Thursday, November 6, 2014

What is `randomness`in light of eternity

I have been seeing a lot of debates between those who believe in Intelligent design (or Old Earth Creationists) and evolutionists. Evolutionists show that life has evolved from simpler life forms by a process of random chance and natural selection, while those who believe in Intelligent design claim that it is guided by a creator.
   Can these two opinions be reconciled by the consideration of Eternity. What is Eternity? Is it the process of 'Infinite' time or is it beyond time all together. Most theoretical physicists consider time to be the 4th dimension, after the 3 dimensions of space, so would eternity be the state of being where all of time if perceptible in an everlasting now. If this is the case, what is randomness? Can randomness exist where all of time is present. If God not only set the universe in motion, but continually creates, can God use the process of randomness to do his will?
   Therefore we should study the process of Evolution and in fact all the sciences to get a better understanding of the mind of God and to give him Glory.

Starting to blog


  My beautiful wife Roxanne is trying to get me to start expressing some of my ideas in a Blog, so that others can see them and comment. So I found that I had this old blog that was sill alive so I thought I would restart it and try to post on it a couple of times a week. I`m not sure what this will turn into, but I have some ideas on Faith, politics, science and my wife thinks I am very good at planning economical family vacations. If anyone reads this, please let me know what you think.

In Christ